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Monday, October 26, 2020

Habits | How to develop good habits in a child?


Habit is the result of practice of one own individual. Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occurs continuously. A more or less way of thinking, admire of previous repetition of experience. According to James, Habit d a man second nature.

Types of habits:-
  • Regular exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Mindfulness
  • Positive thinking
  • Scheduling your work
  • Physical habit
Habits are found both in man and in animals.

 Tips to develop good habits in a child:-

Their are following tips to have good habits

Start with small adjustment:

Most people have their mindset to achieve everything in a single day. It is better to make small adjustment so that your mid can handle these gradual positive changes in a proper way. 

Identify all your obstacles and triggers:

In order to develop good habits , you must have clear idea about triggers and obstacles. if you don't do that you must have likely to face failure.
When you start to form good habits, you have many bad days. It does not means that you come back but it means you have to face the challenges and go forward.


Focus on good habits at a time:

You have to decided to implement good habits, and you have a list of good habit to adopt. If you have mindset to adopt good habits than you should be aware of that you have to face many failure to achieve their mindset goals. For example you have to decide to eat healthy food and exercise daily. That is quickly become exhausted most of the time but you have to stuck on your goal and don't exhausted.

Give yourself some time:

For developing good habits among your child, it is necessary to give some time to your child to spend alone without any disturbance. In this time a child can observe different situations that they face in this life and correlate them and get their better answer. Rather than discuss it with their community. This is the best way to empower a child and realize him that he is strong and solve their problems. And when he solve their issues he become more empowered and enrich.

Self compassion/self judgement:

This is also essential for a child development that he should think about their decision that they have made. And judge them also either they are good for them or not good, either they cause ant harm to them or they don't effect their life. This helps a lot to analysis themselves of a child.

Have more clarity:

Thing should be taught clearly to a child. They are accepted by their mind and remain in their mind forever wherever they need. And explanation of each and every thing in the starting of their ages is given whatever they need to be given. 

List your mistakes:

A habit is to be made to list the mistakes that they have made in their life span and get their causes also find their solution. Learn from the mistakes is the key of success in life. Once a mistake is happened search out the mistake find their reason and try to get their solution and move out next.

Focus on building a routine:

Schedule plays a very important role in building a good life span. If you plan something, then it happen good to you. Make a time table to study play and other things in life. 

Work on your environment:

Work on your own environmental condition, rather than relay on any other else. This helps to develop good ideas and open new ways in their life. 

Celebrate your small wins:

Start celebrating your little success in life. So that they will give you more confidence to grow up and do big things. Share your success to the other people so that they get inspiration from your stories and do wonders also.


Get support from your friends and family:

Give you family and friends benefits from you and feel the peace in your life that you have got by helping them. Solve their small issues and help them in the time of need.

Take time  to think that what is holding you back:

Think about your life span in past years and think about your pros and cons in your life. And move on with an experienced person.


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