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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Habits | What are daily good habits?

You should spend your time with the person that you want to spend time and you feel better when you spend your time with the person you want to talk with or love to talk.
Spend your time in a best way that you want and do things that makes you feels happy. This is because you know better yourself that what makes you feels good no one else knows better than you about your feeling and emotions.

Writing three things that you are grateful for in the morning:

Write the daily routine or plan your routine in such a way that you want to spend time a good way. The things you wat to do in the next day and the meeting of the people also planned. So that to spend an organized day, I n this way you are more confident to talk to others and have pre-planned every thing.
Writing is a very good habit unlike reading because it give you opportunity to express the feeling in better way and any read about your writing and understand about yourself and your feeling also your habits.

Taking a cold shower:

You should take bath every that so that your mind and your body become fresh and you feel much better to talk with others. You feel that you spend a happy day when your are fresh and wash yourself.
 By Taking shower you feels that you are neat and clean also you try to keep your surrounding also neat and clean. This also keeps your mind fresh and you will become active and also attractive member of society. In the world people always welcome a healthy thinkers and attractive members into a society.  

Scribbling down your thoughts and ideas in the journal:

Think about the discussion that you have made with others. Judge about yourself and try to correct your weak points to become successful in the future.
As a good person you will also become a journal, learns about the things that happens around yourself. Then raise voice for the people around yourself as a journal.

Meditating and exercising:

The mediation and exercising is also the good habit. By doing exercise mind becomes fresh and mentally a person feels good. 

Greeting at least one stranger on the street:

When someone greet a person at street or a any other public place, he feels good to see other and talk with them about social issues or any other topic that he want to talk. Solve the problems of the people and help to other people if he help them. In simple words greeting with other people makes  us to feels happy and develop a good habits of meeting others and listen to others.

Reading a book or newspaper:

When we spend our spare time in reading, it develop habit of reading. We read daily news paper and also read books. By reading newspaper we can read about different social issues. Problems of the country, achievement of our country, read about cricket and other things. In this way we become aware of everything happens at our surrounding. Books are the great friends of a person. When we indulge into a habit of learning we learns about different things and got the answer of many questions. We learns about the history and the ancient people history. Their bravery tell us and also teaches us many things we can apply their methods to spend life and issues into our life also


Planning in advance for the next day:

We should develop a habit of plane our next day in advance. This is also a good habit. This habit makes us to pre-plan our things and move forward.
By planning, we become a good member of society because when plan something we get also start planning about that. we can do research abut that and got every kind of information that are necessary also we can apply to that information in practically to our lives.

Drinking 2 liters of water daily:

We should drink water at regular interval of time. Water is the important part of our life. It is vey essential for our body. About 2 liter of water is required to work our body for proper functioning. Our brain require 20% water from our body. When our body remain fit then we will be able to work properly and play our role as an important part of society. So this is also a good habit.

Keeping the social media usage minimum:

By using social media we will be able to connect the world and raise the social issues and raise voice against the wrong things happens at our society and appreciate the good things happens at our society. 
Social media also carry the information that are nor true and are based on assumption. So before doing proper inquiry about any news or information we do not take any action because it cause a lose to us.

Laughing and making others laugh:

We should enjoy our day by making fun at some moments of the day. This fun may have a type of jokes and fun games etc. This is also a good habit at some extent.
Do not spend your life by always remaining a serious member of society because it is not good for health also. Our body require some energy by spending time at free from all hurdles and worries. So, do some activities that refreshes our mind and make us laugh. Its also approved by research that more laughing is also a sign of good health.

Wearing neat and tidy clothes:

By wearing dress neat and clean we will be able to look decent and nice. For developing a good personality this is also necessary. This is a good habit of keeping ourselves neat and clean. We should also keep our surrounding clean and not spread the dirt or garbage everywhere around us.

Visualizing your future and recalling your dreams before you fall asleep:

Before going to sleep our bed we should remind our whole day. Remind ourselves that what we have done in that way. What are the things that are wrong and what are the good things done by us are good. This habit makes our life perfect and we will be mentally comfortable with our life.

Affirming good things about yourself:

Point out the good things that are happened in a day by yourself. Then you should keep in mind that thing and move forward and improves your life by making good changes in life.
Spend some time for thinking that what is good are habits of you and in them what are good and what are not good. By doing this activity you can judge yourself more better and make good decisions.

Getting adequate 6–7 hours of sleep:

Make a time table of sleeping. whenever you have make a time your health automatically becomes good and mind become also fresh and have better thinking ability. 
Sleeping for  6 to 7 hours in a day makes the mind and your body healthy wealthy and wise also. You will perform your duties more actively by doing all these activities that keeps you healthy like take a proper sleep and make time table.


So, these are some of the daily good habits. Habits are of any king there may be good or bad depending on the nature that which one you have adapted. To make good and useful member if society Good habits are to be adapted.


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